Rosa rampicante profumatissima, vigoroso a grandi fiori (diametro medio 10 cm), doppi, fino a 25 petali, a forma di coppa. magnifico rosso scuro vellutato. Fiorisce a ondate per tutta la stagione. Grande, lucido, fogliame verde scuro. Altezza e larghezza fino a 4 m.
Gallica rose in bunches and intensely scented, followed by red berries. This old rose is very hardy and vigorous. In flower it is very prolific.
Antique noisette rose, scented with lemon. It has full and rich cupped flowers, reblooming.
Kordes rose with continuous re-flowering with large cupped flowers with the charm of ancient roses, perfect to cut and suitable for the vase.
Rosa antica wichurana sarmentosa color rosa chiaro, fiori dal dolce profumo e coprente in modo molto vigoroso.
Tra le più belle rose inglesi a fiore giallo, rifiorente dai fiori pieni e molto profumati, adatta anche alla mezz’ombra.
Magnificent flowers with a classic spiral shape, with very large flowers and, as its name implies, with an intoxicating, strong, fruity scent. Vigorous and healthy, it reaches 5 meters in height.
Rosa multiflora a grandi mazzi e intensamente profumata, seguiti da belle bacche rosse e rotonde a grappoli.
Ibrido Kordesii, piccola rampicante o grande arbusto. Giallo dorato. diametro medio di 12 cm, fiori grandi, doppi (fino a 25 petali). Fiorisce a ondate tutta la stagione. Folta. fogliame lucido. Altezza e ampiezza fino a 250 cm.
The brilliant copper orange of the graceful fully double flowers is enhanced by an aromatic fragrance. Particularly harmoniously combines shades of red and yellow. Its foliage is dark green and wonderfully shiny.
Romantic rose with an iridescent color, pinkish cream, darker in bud, it fades to white as it opens. Very healthy and upright. The rounded cupped flowers are suitable for cutting.
Rosa antica rifiorente e molto profumata: una delle più belle rose variegate esistenti.
Climbing French rose with fragrant, very rich, wavy flowers of a beautiful nuanced tone of peach pink and apricot tones.
Meilland hybrid, small climber (height and width up to 200 cm).Golden yellow, very bright. average diameter of 8 cm, double flowers (up to 50 petals). It blooms in waves all season. Bushy. shiny foliage.
Vigorous climbing rose, distinguished by its healthy foliage and vigorous growth. Decorative winter berries follow the numerous large, fruit-scented flowers.
Intensely scented rose, climbing form that does not exceed 250 cm, dense and compact, suitable for small spaces.
Banksiae species with large bouquets sweetly perfumed. This ancient rose is very healthy and thornless.
Rambler rose, extremely re-flowering and healthy, it also adapts to the shade. She is not afraid of diseases, romantic and fragrant. She grows fast.
Climbing rose with eye-catching bright red flowers, unbreakable in photography. Very healthy foliage, captivating for its red, double and bright flowers, reaches 2.5 meters in height, which is why it is also suitable for growing in capacious pots and magnificent for pillars.
Rosa wichurana sarmentosa romantica, estremamente rifiorente e sana, perfetta anche all’ombra.
Rose with a magnificent strong scent of apricot or peach, and citrus.Very vigorous, it is fast growing and adapts to cover columns, walls and pergolas.
Rosa inglese profumata, dai toni bluastri e lavanda, chiamata la ‘Veilchenblau’ rifiorente.
Rosa antica multiflora color viola descritta come la più blu delle rose; fiorisce in grandi mazzi seguiti da cinorrodi color bordeaux lucido e scuro a grappoli.
Ancient rose from the late 19th century, bourbon climber, carmine color with violet shades. Strong, raspberry fragrance. Very large flowers, up to 55 petals, very full, cupped, quartered. It blooms all season. Very frost resistant.
Rosa muschiata o moschata, rampicante o grande arbusto dal colore mutevole, profumo intenso.
Climbing rose with large red-purple flowers (the flower hold up to 70 petals), with a delicate sweet fragrance, reaches 3 meters in height and 2 in width.
Antique tea noisette rose, very fragrant and shade tolerant. It has very large flowers of a rich powder pink, orange tinged towards the center, and disease resistant foliage.
Climbing rose with large red-purple flowers, Very healthy and very resistant to diseases, reaches 2 meters in height, which is why it is also suitable for growing in capacious pots and magnificent for pillars.
Rosa moschata bianca con grandi mazzi fino a 80 fiori, molto profumata.
Rosa floribunda, piccolo rampicante o grande arbusto dall’incredibile color magenta intenso, con un occhio centrale oro, sfumato di bianco.
Filtri (54 products)